The special memories of those we honour.
A donation in the name of a loved one lost is a powerful way to help others.
All our love – Mom, Lindsay and Jorge.”
(“Yet no one is really alone: those who live no more, echo still within our thoughts and words, and what they did is part of what we have become.”)
We were so looking forward to your visit on December 19, 2 1/2 years after your return to your beloved South Africa. But, alas, you were taken in a tragic car accident before we could fulfill that dream.
You left us at the happiest time in your lives and went quickly and painlessly. After a long and weary trip, we said our farewells and sorted through the material remnants of your short lives. Oh, what a bitter sweet experience.
A well travelled mother and son, you touched many lives with your love, courage and joie de vivre, leaving a proud legacy.
You are together forever and forever in our hearts. Our love for you both is eternal.
Mom (Grandma) and Mike, Dad and Sue (Pa and Dee), Topher & Nancy (Uncle Topher and Aunt Nancy)
Anastasia Barrett was born on May 17th, 2002 at Royal Victoria Hospital in Barrie, Ontario. She was the cutest most precious person to ever come into this world and she will be sadly missed for ever.
She’s the loving daughter of Dexter Barrett and Linda Burdass and a sister to Darren Burdass and Damion Barrett. We will all miss her but never forget her, as she has touched all of us in no way we can explain.
Love mom, dad and brothers
I saw him lift the rigid little body
and the word’s “He’s dead, Darling”
fell from his lips like the final, sorrowful chords of a requiem.
As if a high powered cable had been attached to my feet,
the searing shock surged through my body, scorching my heart,
scrambling my thoughts as it reached my brain,
……..leaving me prostrate.
My innocence was interred in that dainty blue casket.
His passing led to the creation of The Little Princess,
who with the firstborn son, made our family complete.
With the merciful passage of time, grotesque visions
of that cold, lifeless form were replaced with memories
of a warm, yielding, squirming boy whose face
would distort disarmingly in readiness for a lusty yell
….and I could smile again.
My precious baby Andrew; forever in my heart;
Love Mom
Until We Meet Again
May 25, 2007
Even though you are gone
My love for you continues on
Nothing in this world or life itself
Can break us or change the way I feel
As my love for you is eternal and real.
Though this day brings me a tear
Because your absence is too much for me to bare
I am still grateful that you loved me so
You are forever my love, my husband, and beau.
No other will replace what I had with you.
No other love will be as true.
I will always cherish what we had
I will always remember, I will always be glad
That you were my husband till the end
And you loved me as your wife and friend.
Know that I will always be proud
Of the man you were
And of the love we vowed.
I miss you dearly and I will not lie
I wish you were still here and did not die
But I can’t change what God has done
I need to believe, have faith and trust
That our love is strong enough
And that He will reunite us as one.
Until we meet again, I will wait for thee
And when I come to heaven’s door
I hope you will be the first I see,
Smiling and standing there,
Waiting to kiss and hold me.
Happy Anniversary,
Your wife and love forever!
Oliver was a wonderful proud man with a spark for life. Sadly an act of a cold hearted being broke his heart and he never recovered. During his short life with us, he brought joy to everyone he touched and met with his wonderful smile and kindness.
Oliver was an accomplished man whose talents included: Race car driver, Chef, Pilot, Mechanic and auto body man, auto insurance expert appraiser and not withstanding his ability to be the best grandson, son, brother, uncle and friend.
But most of all, Oliver will be missed for his compassion, generosity, love for family and friends, empathy for the weak and sad – he brought a ray of sunshine that will live with us forever and ever.
We will miss you forever sweet gentle boy.
Rest In Peace Sweet Oliver. You will never leave our hearts – Omi, Mami, Daddy, Jannett, Andree, Ange, Diane, Christopher, Stefanie, Nikki and Spaz and his many friends, co-workers and industry colleagues.
Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial – because when he has stood the test – He will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him
James 1:12
In Loving Memory of Carolyn Connolly
Carolyn was an Ojibwe woman from Curve Lake First Nation -near Peterborough, ON.
Carolyn was a sweet woman who would literally give the shirt off her back to a total stranger in need, regardless of race or sex, without asking a question.
Many women have commented on how she got them off the street, telling young prostitutes that they were not street smart and would not survive out there.
Carolyn never judged anyone she met and desperately wanted others to see her as the true person she was: a kind woman with a heart of gold, who loved all, and just wanted to be loved and respected in return.
On August 2, 2008 at 7:30 AM a man walking his dog, found her body sprawled out in an alleyway at Shuter and Seaton Sts. in Toronto.
Her autopsy showed she had been beaten to a pulp then when she was on the ground, unable to defend herself anymore, was stabbed multiple times in her heart.
Her murder is unsolved.
-with lots of love, your cousin Amber
Man is the maker of himself, yet he is also the maker of others – William Shakespeare
When you fell ill, we all prayed. In your passing we continue those prayers, never faltering in your wake. It is at these times we remember your spirit, your candor and your joix de vivre. In the end we can all agree that every moment spent in your presence was a moment we will treasure.
You yourself, dear Elsa, were a treasure, one we or anyone who knew you shall never forget. Our final gift to you is our remembrance and our vow to honour and retire the business you began. The doors you left opened will be closed with grace, dignity and with the respect you so rightly deserve.
Goodbye to you dear Elsa, you leave a legacy of love.
God made a wonderful mother,
A mother who never grew old;
He made her smile of the sunshine,
And He moulded her heart of pure gold;
In her eyes He placed bright shining stars,
In her cheeks fair roses you see;
God made a wonderful mother,
And He gave that dear mother to me.
You were my mother and my friend,
Which was unusual.
Somehow our characters still blend:
Your wisdom and my will.
I turned, and you were there for me;
I spoke, you understood.
I felt cared for, but also free;
You loved, and I was good.
I’m fortunate that I was born
To someone just like you;
I love you still. Though you are gone,
You live in what I do
You will forever be missed and
I will hold all our precious memories
very close to my heart.
Loving you always Mom,
Rose & Sam Fahmi
We depart this world leaving nary a trace, only the ripples washing up against those around us, resonating with the life that was.
Your ripples were a surge, lifting me to heights unimagined, to a life beyond expectation.
I love you and miss you, far beyond what I can convey in this life or several more.
To: my big sister who left me suddenly on September 9th 2004.
So often you would brag to your friends and doctors about how proud you were of me, your little sister. I wish I had told you more often that you were my hero, my sense of strength and my inspiration. Despite your long and painful battle you were the epitimy of strength and determination. You never gave up, became bitter or cynical about the world or the hand you were dealt, you merely took each day, procedure, and surgery as it came never allowing yourself or anyone else believe you were dying.
Cara, your strength is and always has been a mystery to me, you had the ability to make everything better regardless of the crisis. You were my big sister, but also my mother, father and friend, I never felt like I was missing family in my life because you so completely filled those voids with ease. And so I finally say to the world I am so proud of you big sister! Thank you for showing me that real strength means letting yourself cry when you have to, being weak when you want to and showing determination when it counts. I love you big sis….
from your little bratty sister. Xoxoxoxox
There is a bridge of memories from here to Heaven above,
That keeps you very close to me, it’s called the “Bridge of Love”.
As time goes by without you and the days turn into years,
They hold a million memories and a thousand silent tears.
To me you were so special, what more is there to say
Except I wish with all my heart that you were here today!
There will always be this heartache, and often a silent tear.
I shall cherish those precious memories, of the days when you were here.
Remembering you is easy, I do it every day.
But missing you is a heartache, That never goes away.
Loving you forever and a day! Your daughter Rose
On that faithful night May 2, 2006 you were taken away, our only Son “Stan” the man as you’re known by us all, only 15 years old a month shy of your 16th birthday. An awful accident that should never have been, has left us all aching in our shattered hearts. Your laugh, your beautiful smile and kind words of wisdom, your music and piano playing – all these memories and we only wanted you. You were wise beyond your years and I thank God he gave me 15 goods years with you our son. A treasure never to be forgotten. You are in spirit always and forever.
Love always – Mom & Dad, Grandad & Nana, Aunts, Uncles and Friends
Andrew is Gone, Can We Move On?
I tried to create a bond
When there was nothing there,
I tried to hold out my hand,
To show him I care.
I tried to get him to understand,
that Life is just unfair,
I watched him decline, in utter despair.
I wanted to make a miracle,
I wanted to right my wrongs,
In ignoring my brother for oh so long.
But now it’s too late,
Because we fear he is gone,
And though impossible,
We are supposed to move on.
It seems so unfair as his presence
Is no longer in the air.
We cannot let him go,
So suddenly he crept away,
Before we had time
To beg him to stay.
That he is gone is all too real,
But the pain we feel
Is hard to conceal.
As tears fall from our eyes,
We ask ourselves why.
Yet despite our great loss,
We hope and pray
That he is happy and
Doing okay.
We miss you Andrew,
My brother.
Love, your sister,
For Andrew
One day we all go to the Father
To clear our pains and fears
Never to suffer another day
Or long for those so dear.
One day our allotted time will end.
And our Father will call us home,
And wrap his arms around us
Never, ever to feel alone.
But for some the pain is greater
For some the fears are more.
Some just cannot wait, it seems
To knock on Heaven’s door.
Yet still the Father opens
And says, “So soon you’re here?
Come. Let me clear away that pain
And soothe those troubling fears.”
Andrew, I know you’re at peace
Your heart of pain is free.
And when I knock at Heaven’s Door
You’ll open it wide for me.
Composed by Paul Harbridge for Andrew’s 29TH birthday (Sept 4th, 2007) & also in memory of Paul’s daughter…with THANKS from Andrew’s Dad!
Andrew’s VWVORTEX group buddies sadly miss him and his input and help in regard to VW issues. The group posted a little online memorial for him on
Sept. 4th: (Copy into your address bar.)
You are welcome to add your comments under the above posted thread .
Wishing Andrew’s family future happiness and a peaceful rest for Andrew. Perjad and the VWVORTEX Group
A message for Andrew on his 30TH. On Sept 4, 2008 we would have celebrated your 30TH year. When Mom was 30 and I was 32 we were blessed to have you. Now that you are on another plane for your birthday I like to dedicate the lyrics from “Forever Young composed by Bob Dylan” *
Always in our hearts, Love Mom, Dad and Annemarie Happy Birthday Andrew!
Dear Jack,
I am writing a last good bye to you, my sweet, sweet Jack. I’ll never forget holding you in that hospital bed after working so hard to finally see you with my own eyes. You were so perfect. So handsome, just like Daddy. You just lay there peacefully and sadly still in my aching arms.
I would do anything to hold you and rock you gentle in my arms and hear your soft breath, feel your little heart beat and look into your beautiful eyes. You came so close to life, I will never understand why you were taken away from me.
Daddy and I were so excited and happy to have you in our life. We had so many plans and so much to share with you. Sometimes we would lie in bed together and just talk about you. Daddy would tell some jokes and make Mommy laugh and then you would move around in my belly. We would both put our hands on you and softly caress you through Mommy’s belly. Sometimes Daddy would read you stories, did you like that?
Oh Jack, my darling little son, I’ll never forget you. I will miss you everyday of my life. And I will always wonder what kind of person you would have been.
Don’t be afraid, you will never be alone. You have all the love in the world coming from Mommy and Daddy. I promise to carry you in my heart for all time. My heart is a place you can safely play in forever.
I have wished you peace. Cookies. Laughter and giggles. Warm socks. Tickles. Toy trucks. Good books. Friends. My hand to hold.
Love from Mommy.
when birds are nesting
I will build for you
a bed of straw and feathers
The cherries and plums
will form your feast
I shall remind my neighbours
to leave ripe tomatoes on the vine
and carrots
to nibble here and there
when summer comes
I will prepare
A birdbath
just in case
you are in a playful mood
Rest your weary head
dearest one
all is being prepared
for your arrival
as you journey back to me.
A wonderful man who put other peoples need first.
We lost a special angel.
A million times I’ve needed you
A million times I’ve cried,
If love could have saved you dear
You would have never died
Things we feel most deeply
Are the hardest thing to say,
My dearest…I loved you in a very special way.
If I could have one lifetime wish One dream that can come true.
I’d pray to god with all my heart for yesterday and you.
Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by wife Lita, Daughters Ashley Amanda
And only son Jonathan.
Rest in Peace My sweet Prem.
I keep you in my heart the love of the past for there it was planted forever to last.
He took on the Canadian establishment
The silencing of his groundbreaking journalism by the CBC caused a public outcry and a parliamentary inquiry
Special to The Globe and Mail
January 14, 2013
He once lodged a camera in a baptismal font to get shots of John Diefenbaker reciting scripture – with the Chief’s permission – but wasn’t above hiding a microphone in costume jewellery or a picnic basket, and abandoned concealing a camera in a reporter’s wooden leg only because it wouldn’t fit.
To Douglas Leiterman, these were not acts of subterfuge, but means to an end. Which was: getting the story. Journalistic “objectivity” and the sensitivities of his bosses were dim, distant guides.
The co-creator of the fabled CBC television news program This Hour Has Seven Days, Leiterman died Dec. 19 at his winter home in Vero Beach, Fla., just three days after the death of the show’s esteemed co-host, Laurier LaPierre. He was 85.
The plentiful obituaries for LaPierre couldn’t say it enough; it bears repeating: This Hour shook the ground beneath Canadian journalism. “It was just breathtakingly bold, outrageous, in the best sense of the word, pugnacious,” Mark Starowicz, executive director of documentary programming at CBC-TV, told Canadian Press following Leiterman’s death. “It just rocked the country; it was just unbelievable. No one had seen anything like it.
“With no exaggeration, to this day, we use approaches and techniques that were incubated under Douglas Leiterman.”

Christine’s passion and sense of profound dedication to worthwhile causes was evident in everything she did. She dealt with everything in her life with a sense of style and grace that distinguished her as a compassionate proponent of good causes.

September 14, 2013
Not one day passes that I don’t remember you, each day, each night you are in my thoughts.
My life will never be the same again, it seems as if a light is out, since you’ve been gone.
I miss you so much, I wish I could hold you in my arms, kiss you and hear your voice calling me “mama”.
Forever in my heart.
Love Mama
So He put his arms around him and whispered,
“ Come with me.”
He waited patiently to hear God’s call.
When it came, he was ready and surrendered all –
To be with our Savior, in His loving care –
To join his wife Madeleine and his daughters, Eileen and Josiane and with them share
The Lord’s boundless love and endless grace;
A golden heart stopped beating, hard-working hands put to rest.
He is with Jesus now in His warm embrace;
He waits again patiently – for you and me,
Till we leave this Earth, finally free,
To meet him again and share his delight,
As we enter the city that has no night.
When you are far and I feel you so near
my darling Nadia dear…
When I am alone, your love is here
When you are far, I feel you so near
Together, we played, explored gods, and in no time back in each other’s arms
We leaped bounderies on rainbow side of life
Out there, in magic of darkness we had our morning light
With Sun warming and moon guiding
We searched and never cried
In moment of sorrow or in high of laughter, we danced shadow less, till it all begun
Dance with me, be mine be free.
Love & light
Shasha Shaun Shahram Navazesh
Toronto Jan 10/2000
The world lost largely when my darling husband Gian passed on November 19, 1992. He was 2 weeks away from his 44th birthday, and I was 32, with a 4-month old baby. That baby is 15 years old now, and together we miss him every day. There was never a sweeter man who lived, and his life continues to affect me and bring me pride every day. He is my Guardian Angel now, always bringing me consolation, and love.
And I know what I have lost.
Susan Pellegrino
We were so blessed to have given birth to our little angel, Laura. She was the most beautiful baby, and doctors and nurses alike said she looked as delicate as a china doll. She endured so much in those 72 days in hospital, and being in intensive care gave us the opportunity to spend quiet, precious time with her before she was taken from us. We will never forget the impact her birth, and death, caused us: my husband Giovanni impacted so much that he lost his life to cancer just a little more than two years after her passing. At the time of her passing, we so agonized and cried, and loved each other, and in the end, decided that the only way we would heal would be to have another precious daughter 2 years later, Emma, whose name means Healer. She indeed is a healer, and she was only 4 months old when her precious Dad died. She continues to give me a reason to go on, and comforts me when I miss her Dad, and her sister. One day we will all be together. Until then, Laura Baby, stay close in Daddy’s arms. We love you and miss you both.
And I know all that we have lost.
Susan and Emma Pellegrino
who loved him so well.
He has gone across the river, to the shore of evergreen
And we long to see his dear face, But the river flows between
Someday, sometime we shall see the face we loved so well,
Someday we’ll clasp his hand and never say farewell.
I mention your name and speak of you often my dear son you are not forgotten
Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by Mother Chandra Sister Lita Brothers Lenny and Neil and rest of his family
Rest in Peace My sweet Son
Until We Meet Again
I will never forget your fight for life your painful words help me please mom and I remember my words to you sweetheart I will do everything to help but please have the nurses take your blood knowing that you were so scared. never knew that would be our last words together as Mom and Daughter Tammy on July 6 2010. I will never forget when the doctors called Dad Tia and myself to say our last goodbye how hard it was knowing how you loved life. I will never forget your beautiful eyes your thoughtful words your tender touch your happy smile and most of all your joy for living
Tammy it’s already one year since you left us suddenly. Even though you are gone My love for you continues on Nothing in this world or life itself Can break us or change the way we feel As our love for you is eternal and real.
Though this day brings me more tears I will always remember your voice saying mom are you sad or mom are you crying and you would wipe away my tears as I recall those special moments of you my special one tears keep flowing down my checks and I can hear your voice mom don’t cry but Tammy sweetheart it’s very hard not to cry
Because your absence is too much to bare. I mention your name and speak of you often my dear Daughter you are not forgotten I am still grateful that you knew what love is and how to express your self and I love you too
You are forever my love, my little angel and butter cup No other will replace the love I had for you. No other love will be as true as the love you’ve shown to me I will always cherish what we had I will always remember, I will always be glad That you were my little angel that every one would love to have Tammy I miss you dearly and I will not lie I wish you were still here and did not die
But I can’t change what God has done I need to believe, have faith and trust That our love is strong enough And that one day we will reunite as one. And when I come to heaven’s door I hope you will be the first I see, Smiling and standing there, Waiting to kiss and hold me Tam Tam You are my hero
Sadly missed Mon, Dad, Tia, and the rest of the family
Rest in Peace My sweet Daughter
Happy Anniversary,
Rest in Peace My sweet Daughter
Rest in Peace My sweet Daughter
My lovely son Shan,
Love you very much always. It’ll be a year tomorrow that you blessed our lives with your presence (u were conceived on July 21/06). You came quietly – tip toeing in mom and dad’s life and in an instant our lives lit up with joy and happiness. Mom was so dumb, Shan that she did not come to know about ur presence till u were 7 weeks old, and then when I saw u inside me, and heard your beautiful heart beat – I just couldn’t believe that God has finally blessed us with you!
Your dad was so excited and overjoyed -you know him he is not a very expressive kind, so he did not say much- but he welcomed you in our world with all his love. And as your presence became more prominent, he would fuss around u and me and would instruct me to eat and sleep well. Our whole world became beautiful, ur first ultrasound, dad and mom were so proud to see you growing so well – active and kicking around. And guess what dad also said to the nurse jokingly that Shan is moving so much – for sure he will be a very naughty kid!!
Then at your next ultrasound, we came to know that it’s “him”, and we were on the top of the world – I told ur nana and she was crying with joy and blessed you so much. Oh! My son!
Everyday I used to do things keeping only u in mind – eat- sleep – walk carefully in snow, read good books – listen to music – everything with just ur welfare in mind. Even when I would fall ill I would refuse to take any meds. Just in case you might feel uneasy with them in my system. But I do not know why Shan I always had this looming fear of losing you – and I would pray, pray a lot all the time and beg god to take care of you, and that nothing should happen to u. Me and dad would count days for ur arrival, and would dream (dad would most of the time) and imagine how it will be.
We wanted to get a 3D ultrasound done to see how u look – I was dying to see ur face. On Friday we went to get it done – dad and I were very excited. That day we saw you with your back to us, we tried waking u up but u were sleeping, I was concerned – but when we got a beautiful strong heartbeat (150!!!) I felt ok. And we decided to come back on Tuesday (Feb.27/07). I remember Shan I was joking with your dad as u sleep so deeply like him. Then on Monday I was again feeling very anxious and was praying all day for god to take care of you, but on Tuesday somehow when I got up in the morning Shan I was just not feeling very good – I went to the office and was concerned – in the evening dad picked me up and we went to the 3-D ultrasound – Shan I was so anxious by then that I was about to faint. She did the US and I saw u face down – Ok my baby I knew u were not ok – and she was unable to find ur heart beat. Shan that killed dad and me and we rushed to the hospital – I was still hoping that God is in control he is taking care of u. I still remember when the nurse preliminary checked and felt a heart beat and we assumed it is u, but it turned out to be mine, she asked me to wait so that she can call the doctor to see. Shan, son, me and dad were praying to God to let everything be ok, but when the doctor came and did the US – knew u had grown wings and had flown to heaven.
Shan, that day and today, not even a single moment goes by that dad and mom do not think of you – love you – remember you, miss you. We miss you a lot son – a lot. Give us strength son to go on! And the faith that one-day, dad and mom will be with there beloved son – forever!!!!!! And no one can separate us.
Lots of love
Dad & Mom
Six years ago I left home for Canada
With a little dream flied over the sea
Working hard to build a new me
My young family is ready for Mom to visit
Yet she’s sick forever
Pregnant me pray Mom to hold her strength
Until the day mom daughter meet together
The world has no space for new life
With the baby’s cry, Mom gone quietly
I extended my arms over the sea
But only hugged the cold water
That little dream frozen forever
I knew Mom stood somewhere over the sea
Yet there’s no ticket to buy to meet her
Holding my new born baby, watching the sea
Where’s the bridge to cross it?
The sun shines the sea everyday
No one notice there’s a wave missing
And that wave was My Dearest Mom
Loving you,
Daughter: Tian Yi
On Saturday, September 21, 2008, Sunny, my best friend, had a severe allergic (anaphylactic) reaction while having dinner with friends in Toronto. The reaction was very sudden and very severe, and sadly he passed away.
Sunny was in his final year of law school at the University of Toronto and had a passion for international humanitarian relief. He recently returned from two summer internships abroad. First, he worked with Doctors without Borders in Amsterdam, where he investigated crimes against humanity in Sudan and other regions of the world, and second, he interned at a large law firm in India, AZB Partners. These summer internships added to an already impressive background in international humanitarian work, including 9 months in Indonesia with Doctors without Borders in 2005 to help with post-tsunami relief efforts, and a summer in Malawi in 2007 with Dignitas International to implement community-based healthcare programs.
He also had an undergraduate degree in Systems Design Engineering from the University of Waterloo (Class of 2003), where he won the Sanford Fleming Excellence in Design award for an engineering project he later filed a provisional patent for.
Sunny has touched many lives and his memory continues to flourish.
We miss him so much.
Circumstances strained our relationship at times, and though it was never as close as the one I shared with my mom, you are still very dear to me. These words are from the last card I received from you, on my 20th birthday. They are very special to me and I read them when I need to connect with you. Even though you did not write these words yourself, I know you chose this particular card with care because it’s how you feel about me:
It’s your birthday again, and I can’t help wondering where the years have gone since you were just my little girl, reaching out for me to hold you, to protect you, to love you…
And on your birthday, I can’t help remembering those days, but I also see you as you are now, mature and strong, no longer in need of me to protect you…
I hope you know, though, that I’m still here to hold you when you want me to and always, always to love you.
Love, Dad
flexible bamboos
do not fear
the storm.
They bend with the wind
even as they stay
firmly rooted
to their grounds. ~Anonymous
Laura’s last words to her daughter Lynlee, which she holds dear to her heart, are from a Christmas card Laura prepared before her death:
I love you eternally
and will be with
you in your heart
in thousands of
lovely memories. ~Love, Mom
Wind Beneath My Wings
I thought I saw your face today,
in the sparkle of the morning sun.
And then I heard the angel say,
“Their work on earth is done.”
I thought I heard your voice today,
then laugh your hearty laugh.
And then I heard the angel say,
“There’s peace dear one at last.”
I thought I felt your touch today,
in the breeze that rustled by.
And then I heard the angel say,
“The spirit never dies.”
I thought I saw my broken heart,
in the crescent of the moon.
And then I heard the angel say,
“The Lord is coming soon.”
I thought that you had left me,
for the stars so far above.
And then I heard the angel say,
“They left you with their love.”
I thought that I would miss you so,
and never find my way.
And then I heard the angel say,
“They’re with you every day.”
“The sun, the wind, the moon, the stars,
will forever be around,
reminding you of the love you shared,
and the peace they’ve finally found.”
You are here in my heart forever
Love always
Your son Todd
On the day God took you
I prayed that I would die,
I wondered where the time had gone
And asked a lot of “why’s”.
No farewell words were spoken…
No time for our good-byes…
You were gone before I knew it,
Now I just feel alone inside.
I thought I must be dreaming,
That I’d wake and find you here.
This really isn’t happening!
As I wipe away a tear.
I miss your face, I miss your laugh,
I mostly miss your smile.
What I wouldn’t give to turn back time
And talk to you awhile.
So many things I wish I’d said
If I had only known.
So many times I cry at night
While feeling so alone.
I still re-call the memories
Of that last night on the phone.
I should have stopped to question…
And read between the lines.
But, I guess I always assumed that there
Would be another time.
My heart still aches with sadness,
And my secret tears still flow.
What it meant to lose you son,
No one will ever know.
I guess what troubles me the most
Is that I never said goodbye.
Jer…I miss you with all my heart
Why did you have to die?
I wish we’d had more time
Before your life was done.
I hope you’re resting peacefully,
My precious boy….
My first born son.
Love you for Eternity!
Until we meet again!
Love Mom
You were a loving husband and you always provided for your family. You were a warm and caring father to your six children and you had a special bond with every single one. You loved your thirteen grandchildren.
The doctors claimed that you suffered with heart disease for ten years. You didn’t really get sick till the last two years of your life. We begged you to get a second opinion and to go to the hospital, but I think you were too scared to go. The last six months of your life was spent in the hospital.
You had three heart surgeries and never complained once about pain and how your life had changed. After your first open heart surgery, all you said was “complications, complications”.
There is not one day that goes by that I don’t think of you Daddy. I will never forget your fight for life and I will never forget how hard you loved. I will never forget your beautiful eyes and your happy smile. You are my hero
Loving you forever your daughter Rose Capocci